

Little Manhattan(2005)

LITTLE MANHATTAN is about a young boy in NYC, named Gabe, and his first crush on a girl, ever. Quite an awkward transition, considering girls have cooties, and are gross horrible creatures to a boy of ten. Our hero though is growing up. Presently Gabe is 10 ¾ years old and the girl of his affection, is 11 year old Rosemary, who is quite a match in the karate class they both attend. Quite suddenly this strange change occurs and there Rosemary is. The same girl he had grown up with in school, and went to kindergarten with, but now it is different. He actually notices her. Where did this nervousness come from that springs up every time he is in her presence? What does it mean? All the questions, inner dialogue, and those puzzling things we notice about the opposite sex (and continue to notice as we grow up, I might add). That treacherous area we tread between youth and adolescence, fraught with a childlike confusion at this new territory. The two young actors playing Gabe and Rosemary hit the right chords.


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